Primary CryptoAsset
Primary Crypto Asset refers to CryptoAsset which is commonly identified or represented by Namespace or uint256 tokenId within Ethereum ecosystem.
Characteristics of Primary CryptoAsset: 1. Non-volatile and permanent eg. uint256 tokenId within Smartcontract or Namespace On-chain Title of the CryptoObject 2. There can't be the same Primary CryptoAsset within the same bound, or closed loop system eg. there can't be the same tokenId within a Smartcontract, or the same On-chain Title of CryptoAssetwithin a closed loop platform or system. 3. Commonly used or utilized as medium of value or Secondary CryptoAsset eg. Domain Name System or DNS attributes such as Namecoin or ENS, used as medium for digital art such as BAYC, Cool Cats & Monegraphs, or used as database for Social graphs such as Lens Protocol.
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